Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January - ruminations

"And the seasons they go 'round and 'round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game."

Hard to imagine this song is as timely today as when Joni Mitchell first wrote it. A timeless song about the seasons, the circle of life.  On this day my thoughts entailed nothing noteworthy...only continued reflections on our life here on the farm.  Zeus - a REALLY big horse was too skittish the other day for Dave to put his blanket on but we finally got around to doing it today as it is supposed to get REALLY cold tonight.  It took a joint effort on both Dave's and my part but I am pretty sure it was the apple pieces that really enthralled him.  And the girls.  As soon as they discovered that apples were in the picture, they came trotting over to see what was up.  They knew something was as they flanked him in an effort to protect him from the "big bad people."  He didn't seem to mind too much as long as he could see the apples in his sight.  It was really funny.  He remained the gentle giant that he is throughout the procedure, focusing solely on my hands which held the bowl w/the apple pieces.  Can I be as focused?  I know when I am really interested in pursuing something, I will have that laser like concentration but it's just as true that I can easily find other things to be as enthralled with.  It's not like the ADD kind of distraction...more like realizing early on I've gone as far as I can with something.
Hopefully the dedication to writing, praying and farming will continue to be fleshed out in this new year...I mean  none of us can go back and redo the past but going to hold onto the ponies as they go up and down a little longer.

Just like the dedicated little Vinnie.  There are two Vinnies left out of the original 5 - part banty/part whatever.  One of them laid 3 eggs before Thanksgiving - in the seat of one of our carts. Fortunately it's in the barn and somewhat protected from the elements. I say fortunately because she has been sitting there since mid-November trying to hatch these eggs.  It's not happening.  Other hens have pecked at her trying to get her to move since they want to lay their eggs where she is....she isn't going for it.  She did get up once to do something - I saw her running around but she went right back to setting and there seems to be no sign of her moving.  I checked the eggs out in that brief moment that she was running around and yeah - there's nothing to hatch.  But she's hanging in there.  I wonder what keeps her going.  Instinct?  A glitch?  Not sure but hope her little heart doesn't break.

Well, the day is almost over.  The sun has set...the circle continues, the cycle, the wheels go round and round.
Tomorrow the routine begins again...meetings, the gym, the chores, engaging in the day to day events...no wise words, no epiphany (that's Sunday, lol), just more of the same...the good same.

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